Product Details:
Paperback: 160 pages
Publisher: Intervarsity Press (February 19, 2010)
ISBN-10: 1844744167
ISBN-13: 978-1844744169
Product Dimensions:
8.4 x 5.4 x 0.6 inches
Shipping Weight: 8.5 ounces
Editorial Reviews Review "What happens if one of the exhibits in the world of the great theologian of some of the most important texts of the Bible gwt in action edition bittorrent? This book gwt in action edition bittorrent." Mark Driscoll, founding pastor, Mars Hill Church in Seattle, President of the Resurrection, President, Acts 29 Church Planting Network "Don Carson clarity in the communication of Scripture is a great gift, and in this book, we give this teacher. Can preach . These are messages on the model of critical passages. They are delicious meditations to educate our minds and feed our souls. Biblical content right smart, tough, strong Carson is what gives us the cross of Christ and his resurrection. reading, mark, learn and inwardly digest. "-Mark Dever, pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington DC.! President 9Marks "This is vintage Carson informed exegesis and the exhibition engaging, theologically rich and reverent warm, clear, insightful, probing shines truth of God Don Carson shows us what the Bible for himself, and his words make me want the cross of Christ scandal to preach more passion. "--- Bill Kynes, Pastor, Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church, Annandale, Virginia," What happens if one of the exhibits in the world of the great theologian of some of the most important texts of the Bible? this book. " Mark Driscoll, founding pastor, Mars Hill Church in Seattle, President of the Resurrection, President, Acts 29 Church Planting Network "Don Carson clarity in the communication of Scripture is a great gift, and in this book, we are the business, the teacher. To . These are preaching messages on the model of the critical passages. They are delicious meditations to educate our minds and feed our souls. biblical content right smart, tough, strong Carson is what gives us the cross of Christ and his resurrection. Read , mark, learn and inwardly digest. "Mark Dever, pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington DC.! President 9Marks "This is vintage Carson informed exegesis and exhibition engaging, theologically rich and reverent warm, clear, insightful, exploring the truth of God Don Carson lights shows us what the Bible for himself, and his words make me want the cross of Christ scandal to preach with more passion. "Bill Kynes, Pastor, Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church, Annandale, Virginia," Don Carson has planned introduction of a rich, thoughtful, honest and theologically the person and work of Jesus. With biblical fidelity, clarity and wisdom that We have come to expect from his writings, offers Carson treatment of the irony of the cross not only as a literary device, but as a powerful analysis of Subversion, to the head of the nature of the cross, and indeed the Mighty, Redeemer, King of trust in the universe is a powerless, marginalized savior, and was crucified He believes that Jesus called them cry. "My God, I am forsaken me? so for all eternity, we will not. This is a shocking picture of the law of love, Jesus' self-identification and self-sacrifice for the corn. We are grateful for his successful work to show us is really mocked the irony of the king, the king, not only for Jews but for the world. "Stephen T. Um, Chief Minister, City Life Presbyterian Church of Boston. President, Center for Culture Gospel" There is no Christianity in addition to the death of Christ on the cross and his resurrection from the dead Carson helps us to better understand the passion of the cross and the triumph of the resurrection. What a gift to every disciple of Christ. When you read these pages are moved to the worship of the Lamb that was slain! "- W. Crawford Loritts,Jr., Senior Pastor, Bourse Bible Church, Roswell, Georgia author, a passionate commitment - This text refers to the Audio CD edition.
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